
The Zettelkasten Platform – 2 Ways You Can Contribute

Today, I’m thrilled to announce the next step in the Zettelkasten platform. I offer two exciting ways to contribute to the overall project: a central tools collection, and river of news.

This way, we can create a unified base where the online discussion is aggregated so that everyone can follow easily. It will be a useful resource for anyone who wants to find out more about knowledge management and implementing the Zettelkasten method.

You are invited to contribute and add your own articles to the growing collection of software reviews or even enroll for the upcoming blog aggregator.

Enough handwaving already. Here’s my offer in detail.

Write Reviews to Assemble a Tool Collection

First, I collect app reviews on the Zettelkasten.de tools section.

I believe personal usage reports add a lot of value when people look for tools to solve a problem. That’s why I will go beyond my rather formal review criteria and add how-to’s to the list. Yours are very welcome, too!

To get started, I have added the two apps I have already reviewed to the list. I will add more apps than I can review myself. The next step is to expand the list and add other people’s contents.

How You Can Contribute: Write software reviews. Most people struggle with tools for a while until they find something which suits their expectations.

When we have collected enough tools, it will be time to discuss how to make discovery easier. Are we going to provide a feature filter? If so, on which features should it be based? Do we need to separate Windows from Mac from Linux applications? (I certainly expect we do.) I will not worry about the details right now. When the collection grows, we’ll see which steps need to be taken.

Did you solve a knowledge management problem in a clever way? Tell me! Drop me a mail or add a comment with a link to your text and I’ll gladly add a link to the collection.

Aggregate Blog Posts in One Place

Second, I am working on a blog aggregator to create a river of news about using a Zettelkasten.

This way, people interested in effective knowledge management have one place to look for news and to discover interesting blogs.

The aggregator fetches new posts from websites which have applied to the service and adds every relevant post to the stream. Relevancy mostly depends on keywords. For example, Google News aggregates websites in a similar fashion, but without any curation.

How You Can Contribute: Suggest blogs, both your own and others’. I’m on the hunt already, but I’m certain that I will miss some interesting pages on the web.

This is totally a work-in-progress. I’d love to hear your opinion.

Photo Credit: Amy Loves Yah via Compfight cc