Word Counter Now with File Monitoring

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The Word Counter received a huge update this week. It now allows you to monitor files. That means you can create a record of your project progress. The usual words-per-hour meter will tell you how well you perform, while the file monitor can tell you how far you’ve come.

screenshot of the monitoring view
The new monitoring view with my current writing projects

I’m excited to finally release this update. I think it’ll help motivate a lot of people to make progress and marvel at their current achievements.

Up next is a graphical representation of all this, because visualizing helps to see progress, obviously.

If you have trouble downloading the update, please get a fresh download from the website. This will probably affect a lot of people. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience!

Don’t Build on El Capitan Without Checking App Transport Security

I got burned this week. Pretty bad. I shipped a small bugfix release for my Mac app Word Counter a couple of days ago to prepare for the “big one” coming this week. Naturally, I built that version on my El Capitan dev machine. I pushed the update to my server. Updates using Sparkle worked. – But now users of that version cannot ever update to the next version. Because I haven’t thought about ATS.

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NSOpenPanel’s and NSSavePanel’s Block-Based API is Superior

I got angry at NSOpenPanel the other day for visually blocking NSAlerts, and for staying in the way when the debugger hits a breakpoint. Silly me, I used ye olde runModal. When you use the block-based API of NSSavePanel or its decendant NSOpenPanel, all of a sudden they will display on top, but only per application. Also, alerts seem to have a higher display level in these cases.

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Small Helper Objects Take You Far

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Integrating new functionality is fun. But revisiting 18-months old code isn’t. Back then I created a protocol InvokesWindows to define methods like -showPreferencesWindow which I imported in the menu bar controller to show the preferences when the user selects a pop-up menu item. But I didn’t actually delegate to any instance of InvokesWindows. I used NSApp. (Insert facepalm here.)

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How I Solve the Unexpected Error Handling User Experience Problem

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For the upcoming Word Counter upgrade, I developed a new feature module in isolation. The outcome is very interesting, as I am including it as a Swift module, that is as a real framework, into the existing app. I need some more time to write about the resulting architecture, but I found the module boundary to be really helpful. Today, though, I want to share my ErrorHandling code.

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Make Custom Debug Build Configurations Play Nicely With CocoaPods

To test the Word Counter during development, I have long used a special build target. But that doesn’t scale well if all I want is change a preprocessor macro to switch from file-based to in memory storage, for example. I’ve never played around with build configurations in Xcode. They work well with Schemes, though, and setting up a build configuration and a scheme is much less overhead than maintaining a custom target.

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Transactions and Rolling Back Changes in Core Data with UnitOfWork

The Unit of Work pattern is a code equivalent to database transactions: when it completes, changes are persisted; when something fails, changes are rolled back. That’s handy to perform a set of changes and have them saved. Sooner or later during app development using Core Data, you may ask: when should I save? When is the best point in time?

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Leave a Rating for Move! app on MacUpdate

Move!, my personal favorite productivity and health enhancement app (and, apparently, my own creation), is now available on MacUpdate. Check it out for free if you haven’t already.

Please leave a quick rating on MacUpdate so other people know how good you feel, now that you take regular breaks from work.

If you feel super-awesome today, feel free to leave a short review, too.

Your support helps me continue my work. Every star counts! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you!

Screenshot of Moive!
Now look who’s caught me looking at reviews.

Revisiting the Core Data + Domain Model Architecture

It happens that just yesterday I read about architecture smells in code. Among the examples was “subclasses don’t redefine methods”. In my post about Core Data and expressive domains earlier this week, I did just that: create a Egg subclass of CoreDataEgg to inherit CoreDataEgg’s behavior. That’s not what abstraction to superclasses is meant to do.

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