Make Money Outside the Mac App Store

Today I’m proud to announce the release of my e-book Make Money Outside the Mac App Store!
Get it for $25 $19 until Dec 24th from my store!
Shaving off VAT and then again 30% for Apple for every purchase of your app in the Mac App Store can be madness: the only real benefit is that people know how to operate the store. But if you’re just starting to run your business, discoverability is hardly a feature.
Instead of drowning in the warehouse that the app store is, put your software in your own store. You have to build an audience anyway to get started. So stay in touch with them. Know your customers. And stop giving away 30% for a promise that doesn’t hold.
- Save days of research and implement the techniques today
- Copy & paste Swift 2.0 code to integrate into your app in <1 hour
- Utilize in-app purchase of licenses for a higher conversion instantly
- 2 fully functional sample applications, including a time-based trial app
- Secure license code generation and verification included
Take a look at the details page for more info.
This book will save you hours of research and days of fiddling with SDKs. It shows you how to set up products for sale on FastSpring including automatic license code generation and then guides you through the process of adding license verification to your app.
Don’t need all the explanations? Just follow the setup steps and copy the code into your project and you’re ready to roll in half an hour!
I’m not affiliated with FastSpring. I just think their service is awesome.
Here’s what FastSpring’s CTO Mike Smith has to say about the book:
We appreciate Christian’s efforts in creating a guide that enables Mac developers to sell applications through FastSpring’s award-winning e-commerce platform. He has provided detailed instructions to help developers configure key elements of their online sales process. The spirit of community captured in his book reflects FastSpring’s mission to connect people globally in the digital economy.
I truly believe in the spirit of community and I believe you can make it as a developer without the App Store. This book is here to empower you so you don’t have to figure out all the scary details.
So many other indies rely on FastSpring, too, including:
- Smile Software (TextExpander, PDFpen)
- Realmac Software (Clear, RapidWeaver)
- Tyler Hall (VirtualHostX)
- Ironic Software (Yep, Leap)
- Bohemian Coding (Sketch)
- toketaWare (iThoughtsX)
- well, and me, obviously :)
Get to know their stories from this book. Be inspired and take the leap.
Because I think it’s so worth your time as a Mac developer, get it for 25% off until Christmas when you buy from my store.