SwiftyBeaver: Record to Array

I am using SwiftyBeaver in TableFlip and my latest project. Doing some robust console and file logging is important, and this library seems to work just fine for my needs. Except for error reporting. I do not want to attach the whole debug log when folks may report a simple problem. So I figured: maybe it’ll help to have the last 5 or 10 log messages attached upon a first error encounter.

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The Archive – Mac App Beta

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The Archive screenshot
Early development preview of The Archive

My latest project is about to be ready: it’s a strictly plain text note-taking application. If you know our writing over at the Zettelkasten Method blog, you will know the method I’m incorporating in this app. Everything revolves about flexibility and your ownership of the notes. Plus the amazingly productive method itself is baked right into the app to guide your workflow.

Sign up here for a beta invitation in early May:


Swift Protocols with Default Implementations as UI Mixins

Oliver Drobnik of Cocoanetics posted a little gist about a protocol that offers pull-to-refresh for your UITableViews: https://gist.github.com/odrobnik/ae16f4f071ead51d915712818a2279d8

@objc protocol Refreshable
    /// The refresh control
    var refreshControl: UIRefreshControl? { get set }
    /// The table view
    var tableView: UITableView! { get set }
    /// the function to call when the user pulls down to refresh
    @objc func handleRefresh(_ sender: Any);

extension Refreshable where Self: UIViewController
    /// Install the refresh control on the table view
    func installRefreshControl()
        let refreshControl = UIRefreshControl()
        refreshControl.tintColor = .primaryColor
        refreshControl.addTarget(self, action: #selector(handleRefresh(_:)), for: .valueChanged)
        self.refreshControl = refreshControl
        if #available(iOS 10.0, *)
            tableView.refreshControl = refreshControl
            tableView.backgroundView = refreshControl

I use protocols for interface abstractions in my model and service layer a lot; but in the UI, I often resort to delegation to classes. I almost never use protocols in the UI that come with default implementations. Now that I think about it, I believe most custom protocols that I do implement in the UI layer are of DisplaysBananas kind – implementations for the view protocol of a presenter.

Oliver’s gist made me think about other techniques to separate concerns in the UI. Not just delegation to sub-view controllers and encapsulation of view data in structs, but maybe a few more protocol abstractions here and there. When they make sense, that is.

Website Changes Imminent

Update 2017-11-26: This announcement appeared on the GitHub hosted page for a while and is now outdated; I leave this here for historical accuracy after merging the websites. The past couple of weeks have been unusually quiet around here. There are a couple of reasons: Then there’s a lot of preparation happening for side-projects and my stuff at the Zettelkasten Method blog where we will run a live video stream today, by the way.

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Clean Cocoa Blog Redesign

Update 2017-11-26: This announcement appeared on the GitHub hosted page for a while and is now outdated; I leave this here for historical accuracy after merging the websites. I started and kind-of-finished this step after TableFlip’s release back in November 2016. But then I never pulled the trigger. So the redesign and usage of the cleancocoa.com URL didn’t really happen. Until today.

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FatSidebar View Component for macOS Released

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One important user interface part of my latest top-secret project involves a sidebar of buttons. Like a regular toolbar, but taking up less space for chrome, looking more flat, and the user should be able to create toolbar buttons herself.

So while I was mostly sick at home for the last couple weeks, I spent my time cobbling this together. With drag and drop reordering and all.


Find FatSadebar on GitHub!

I have never written my own custom view component from scratch before. I helped improve KPCTabsControl for Swift 3 when I created TableFlip last year. And of course I participated in a lot of smaller open source projects, too. But I never started from scratch, and that was cool.

Also fun: creating the library’s own “logo”. Made it feel so much more official.

What’s cool about writing a new thing from nothingness is that I had no clue what to do and how to start. This component turned out as rather adventurous mental gymnastics because I had to leave the paths of application development I know so well. I still don’t know all the answers; what are best practices? Get something colorful on screen? Customize drawRect and draw boxes and placeholders? Partition the view into sub-components using Auto Layout from the get go? Is drawing text better handled by NSTextField labels than NSAttributedString.draw(in:) or is the overhead too much? (I still don’t know the best answer for this.)

Anyway! I ended up putting this together as a library with sample app. There are some unit tests for inserting items into the “fat sidebar”, but otherwise I find the drawing and layout related code to be absolutely hideous. Cannot come up with improvements on that front that go beyond cosmetics, though. Maybe later, with more experience.