Programmatically Add Tabs to NSWindows without NSDocument

The Cocoa/AppKit documentation is very sparse when it comes to tabbing. You can make use of the native window tabbing introduced in macOS Sierra with a few simple method calls, though. Conceptually, this is what you will need to do: However, there are some caveats when implementing these methods naively. The plus button may stop working (no new tabs are added when you click it) and all default shortcuts are broken, their main menu items greyed out.

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NSAppearance Change Notifications for Dark Mode and RxSwift Subscriptions

Last year, I had a full-time job from May until November and haven’t had much time to prepare for Mojave. Then it hit hard, and I am still tweaking my apps to look properly in Mojave’s Dark Mode. I welcome that macOS offers two modes now, .aqua and .darkAqua in programmer parlance. Because then I don’t have to implement a homebrew solution in all my writing applications.

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