How to Fix Mach-O Header Code 0x72613c21 When You Try to Export Your App in Xcode

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I was preparing a test build to check if linking against a new library worked fine in production. Trying to distribute the app using my Developer ID (but this would also have happened in a step before uploading to the App Store), I got this: Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21 Oops? Like probably most developers, I have absolutely no clue about many crucial steps in the app making process. Especially stuff like code signing and most build settings elude me – I pick up pieces over the years, but not with the same speed with which I’m getting better at writing apps. So I didn’t understand what’s going on at all here. The search results I got weren’t that useful, so this post is meant to fill the vacuum for the next person running into this.

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Open macOS Finder Window in Emacs Dired

Quite often I have a directory open in macOS Finder that I want to open in Emacs dired, e.g. to mass-rename files, copy stuff to a remote machine via SSH, or what have you. In my last post, for example, I used Gifox to create a GIF and then viewed the result in Finder. To add the GIF to my blog post, I needed to copy it over into the appropriate website project directory. Since I was writing that post in Emacs already, I wanted to quickly copy the file from my Downloads folder (my default scratchpad for output like screenshots and screen recordings, including GIFs) over to the blog post’s location.

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