Mutating Struct and State Observers: How the Latter Will Be Notified Even for ‘No-Ops’

I may be 7 years late or so – but until last week, I didn’t realize that didSet property observers would fire when the observed property hasn’t actually changed. All you need is a mutating func that doesn’t even need to mutate. This can be illustrated with a simple piece of code:

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Org-Mode Outline Levels 9+

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Emacs’s outline-mode only has font settings aka “faces” for 8 outline levels; then they wrap, so level 9 looks like level 1 and so on. org-mode inherits these faces, and thus also only defines 8 styles. That’s more than enough, I believe, to have some visual variety in your outlines and also sufficient distance between repeating styles.

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Gitea Ltd. Takes Over Gitea Open Source Project, Community Pushes Back

I discovered this piece of news by accident, and I want to share this with you because I believe this is a very interesting case, providing insight into open source projects, even those that are wildly popular. Gitea is an open source “git forge” (think: GitHub; or rather GitLab, because you can self-host Gitea), itself a fork of Gogs, which also still exists, but with 1/3 of the contributors. Its Open Collective budget reveals that the project raised US$ 35k in total and has an annual estimated budget of 14k. That’s not nothing, but it’s also not financing a full-time maintainer.

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CocoaHeads Talk about JavaScriptCore Plugins on Thursday 2022-11-24, 7 p.m.

This Thursday (in 2 days), I’ll be doing a short presentation of plugin systems via JavaScriptCore, plus an interactive demo and something for attendants to play around with. (Fingers crossed I finish it in time 😱) You can join via Zoom. It’s free, and should be fun :) There’ll likely be a recording if you can’t make it.

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Smooth Scrolling in a Table View for Custom Shortcuts

NSTableView comes with a couple of default shortcuts in an override of its keyDown(with:) method. These aren’t mentioned anywhere, so Xcode’s documentation quick help will repeat the NSView docstring to you, saying: The receiver can interpret event itself, or pass it to the system input manager using interpretKeyEvents(_:). The default implementation simply passes this message to the next responder. [Emphasis mine]

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There Could Be No “Later”

In recent weeks, I’ve been feeling quite restless. There’s not enough time, too many things I just can’t seem to take care of. You probably know that feeling – or rather, the attitude towards things. There’s a couple of things that need to be sorted out. And there’s stuff that arrives on my desk and wants to be taken care of. Like taxes.

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NSTableView Variable Row Heights Broken on macOS Ventura 13.0

Variable row heights in your NSTableView might be broken in your apps on macOS Ventura 13.0 – it’s fixed with the upcoming 13.1, but that’s only available as a beta at the moment. When you replace table contents by calling aTableView.reloadData(), this will ingest the new data as usual, but the old row heights won’t be forgotten. This can affect scrolling. The row height cache, it seems, isn’t properly invalidated or cleared.

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