
I was confused about the term “to hustle” for quite a while, probably because I’m non-native. I found it in various books about startups and solopreneurship, and from the context I deduced it might have something to do with marketing. Shawn Blanc was the first to make sense of this: it usually means to do a lot of work. To break a sweat working towards your goals.

Now there’s nothing wrong with this. “If you want to succeed as hard as you want to breathe, then you will succeed.” That should by no means entail you stop sleeping at all and wear your body down. After all, you and your body are one.

That’s why I’d like to add a few items to Shawn’s list:

  • Start eating real food and stop swallowing garbage.
  • Give yourself the chance to detox; remove everything that may affect your brain for a while – porn, social media, coffee, tea, sugar.
  • Exercise and move every day. Walk for 30 mins if you can’t muster the strength for anything else.

A lot of people I met in tech are interested in body-hacking, life-hacking, and the like. Optimizing sleep for example. Or ditching processed food because, you know, better focus and stuff. This is the search for technical solutions (stuff you set up once and then do it like an automaton) when the underlying challenges are those a corporeal life itself presents.

The fundamentals are the same no matter if you want to be a healthy over-performer in tech or a professional athlete: push your limits and swing the pendulum back and forth from stress to relaxation: Fast and eat; exercise and rest; work and meditate. Your performance is not only about how quick you can throw together a working app. It’s also about how long you can excel at what you do before wearing out.

So take care, don’t overwork, don’t underwork, and push yourself on all frontiers in life at once.

Custom Enumerated Sequences in Just 1 Line of Code

In “Creating a Cheap Protocol-Oriented Copy of SequenceType (with a Twist!)” I created my own indexedEnumerate() to return a special kind of enumeration: instead of a tuple of (Int, Element), I wanted to have a tuple of (Index, Element), where Index was a UInt starting at 1. A custom CollectionType can have a different type of index than Int, so I was quite disappointed that the default enumerate() simply returns a sequence with a counter for the elements at first.

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Evaluate and Launch Your Idea With Small Steps

As you may know, I’m totally immersed in getting TableFlip ready to ship. By some random circumstance, I recently stumbled upon Paul Jarvis’s getting started post about online businesses.

I already read the hip books about startups: Startup Owner’s Manual (meh), Lean Startup (ok), $100 Startup (inspiring), Lean Entrepreneur (meh), Running Lean (good one) – you name it. I still found Paul’s action-oriented collection valuable to get started. It’s the little first steps that matter which I tend to forget sometimes.

With TableFlip, I wanted to know if a visual Markdown table editor would be something people liked. So I put together a landing page for it and asked around. By sheer luck I managed to get 300 subscribers in about a month. I’m excited to show them the first test build. – Sadly, I cannot say that I have any fancy techniques to share. Being connected to other people that love to re-tweet your announcements or post links to their blogs helps a lot. Nothing else has had any effect for me, like, ever.

I posted a link to Joa Allen’s recommendation to get in touch with truly loyal people with a free app MVP that solves 80% of their problems already.

The bottom line of all this is: Just. Do. It. You need feedback, so get something out as quickly as possible. Then you may be able to fend off starvation in the long run.

Outperforming the Competition

[U]nless your talent and skills absolutely dwarf those of your competition, the deep workers among them will outproduce you.
—Cal Newport, Deep Work

(via Shawn Blanc)

This is super relevant if you’re on your own or even starting to pursue a career in programming. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend. The intensity of focus counts. Call it myelin or what else you will: only deliberate practice will make you better. “Deliberate” means it’s challenging. And that you pay attention to the challenge. That you elaborate why you failed. All of this takes a bit of extra time, but the result is so much better than simply dashing through and hoping for the best.

It’s easy to leave the StackOverflow copy & paste “”coders”” behind.

That’s why I find Khuong’s 100 Swift projects or Patrick Bellot’s experiments in Swift so impressive. Everyone can do that.

I know for sure that I need to pick up a book on Core Image and Core Animation sometime, soon, because I have no clue how to use these frameworks. It’s not a blind spot. It’s a known weakness. Doing a challenging project in these areas will catapult my skill further towards mastering the craft.

Here’s my invitation to you: take a minute to evaluate where you stand. What does make you uncomfortable? Take note of that. Make these things projects. Then do or plan some research for each to find out how to tackle these known unknowns. Then execute.

Better Sliding Menus

In a recent usability post of Raluca Budiu, the common mobile app pattern of sliding menus is criticized: when the menu button is at the left edge and the content slides away to the right, then hiding the menu again requires the user to move her hand, and reading the menu items requires her to move her finger out of the way. With fat fingers, this is even more of a problem.

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How to Abort a Chain of Rake Tasks on Error

I use nanoc as my static site creator for this blog. It’s written in Ruby, my favorite scripting language. And so I use a Rakefile to automate most things, like generating a fresh copy of the site and deploying it to my server. Only last week did I find out how to make Rake not continue when a part of its tasks failed. Most of the stuff I use is wrappers around shell commands with a few system notifications sprinkled in. $? does capture the latest shell call’s return value (kudos

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How to Get Started with Swift: Write New Tests in Swift

Daniel Jalkut of MarsEdit fame is slowly getting up to speed with Swift. I have a few Swift-only projects already (Move!, TableFlip and secret in-progress ones). On top of that, every feature I add to the Word Counter is a Swift module, too. The main code of the Word Counter is still in Objective-C, though.

Integrating new types to the project using Swift is awkward. There’re things you can only use in one direction. Most if not all Objective-C code can be made available for Swift and works great. The other way around, not so much. Also, Objective-C imports from the -Swift.h file won’t be available in Swift-based test targets. So you’ll have to isolate these even further, create wrappers, or whatever. Porting a class to Swift can work, but the side effects on testing make it harder.

I like Daniel’s advice to write your unit tests in Swift if you’re still not certain if you should make the switch to this new and volative language. It’s a good idea to get your feet wet.

Considering the problems I ran into with the Word Counter, though, I wouldn’t know how, honestly.

What I Did When I Found Emojis in Strings Always Lost the Last Byte

Teaser image

Took me a while to not only figure it out but actually fix that Emojis are encoded in a special way using UTF-8.

If things are well on your side, you’ll see a “thinking” emoji here: 🤔

I wanted to be able to enter these in text files, read them in, display them, and save the contents in a way that they are visible in the text file again. Sounds trivial, but every double-encoding trick I found on the web resulted in escaping the unicode char codes (\ud83e etc.)

Reading stuff in worked with basic NSUTF8StringEncoding, but writing not so much. Turns out the last byte of a line was stripped for some reasen. Turns out all of this was my fault. Thanks to playgrounds for giving me feedback about matching encoded data.

Emoji seem to take 7 bytes when you look at the UTF8-encoded NSData representation. In my tests, it seemed that when an emoji was the last character in a line things went broke. I had to enter characters after it to work. These characters wouldn’t be stored, but at least the emoji would be visible.

My fault was that I was padding strings to have a certain length like so:

extension String {
    func padded(length length: Int, filler: String = " ") -> String {
        return self.stringByPaddingToLength(length, withString: filler, startingAtIndex: 0)

I was not using NSString but native Swift Strings, so I expected things to go well. But they didn’t. I don’t know for sure why this method from foundation wreaks havoc with strings containing emoji, but it sure did. At first, the fact that 1 emoji character consists of 2 UTF8-encoded unicode values at once resultet in truncating the line. Even when I increased the padding to 2x the visible character count, the last visible character was lost in the end.

I found a cheat: calculate the byte size of the given string and fill up manually:

extension String {
    func padded(length length: Int, filler: String = " ") -> String {
        let byteLength = self.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF32StringEncoding) / 4
        let paddingLength = length - byteLength
        let padding = String(count: paddingLength, repeatedValue: Character(" "))
        return "\(self)\(padding)"

Works like a charm and doesn’t use data. TableFlip beta testers will probably find more edge cases, but at least the app doesn’t crash or ruin your files.