X-Oriented Programming, Using Functions or Classes?

Working on a greenfield project is nice, but it also brings up all the uncertainties of the start: which components, modules, objects, interfaces do you need? With Swift, you even have to decide if you want to design the system in an object-oriented or a functional way. As far as the core functionality is concerned, you do have this choice. (When it comes to UIKit/AppKit, you don’t.)

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Custom Enumerated Sequences in Just 1 Line of Code

In “Creating a Cheap Protocol-Oriented Copy of SequenceType (with a Twist!)” I created my own indexedEnumerate() to return a special kind of enumeration: instead of a tuple of (Int, Element), I wanted to have a tuple of (Index, Element), where Index was a UInt starting at 1. A custom CollectionType can have a different type of index than Int, so I was quite disappointed that the default enumerate() simply returns a sequence with a counter for the elements at first.

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Creating a Lens for an Object to Provide a New Public Interface

I’m back from my vacation and very deep into programmin already. Before I left, my subconscious mind brought up the notion of a Lens (functional programming) while I was modelling tabular data in Swift and I think this is a very cool approach to keep value types clean and easy to test. I use lenses in my current project to provide a specialized interface to operate with the table. The lenses provide access to column and row iterators, independent of the table’s underlying data structure. This way the table doesn’t have to worry about all this stuff.

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Where Instead of Using Functional Bind, I Create an Expressive Model

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The other day, I wrote a post about bind() and the >>= operator and how it can help chain function calls together. The example was a bit too contrived and making it fit the requirements left us with really bad code. I came up with an even better implementation: use plain Swift objects and express your intent carefully.

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Functional Programming in Swift (YouTube Videos)

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After the latest change in my diet, I eat a lot more often throughout the day and try to spend the time watching educational talks to make use of my time. Functional programming seems to not only be all the hype – its concepts seem to reach mainstream thinking, too. Here’s a collection of talks you might find worth your while.

If you got some useful talks, share them in the comments!

Going Beyond Guard Clauses in Swift

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Erica Sadun brought up a topic which is bugging me for some time already. It’s how Swift encourages you to handle optionals. It’s related to handling exceptions, which I covered earlier. Either you use if-let to unwrap them implicitly and do all the stuff inside the nested code block, or you end up with code which is a lot wordier than I’d like it to be.

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Functional Error Handling in Swift Without Exceptions

In Swift, there’s no exception handling or throwing. If you can’t use exceptions for control flow like you would in Java, what else are you going to do if you (a) write library code which executes a failing subroutine, and (b) you find unwrapping optionals too cumbersome? I played with the thought of keeping Swift code clean, avoiding the use of optionals, while maintaining their intent to communicate failing operations.

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Thinking in Terms of Functional Programming Encourages Clean Factoring of Code

Chris Eidhof provided an excellent example for creating a mini Swift networking library. It executes simple requests and can be extended to work with JSON (or XML, if you must) without any change. The accompanying talk is worth watching, too. You should check it out to see well-factored Swift code in action. It’s a great example.

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