How to Add Files to mpd using python-mpd2

The music player daemon, mpd, and its client counterpart mpc operate on a managed directory structure. All paths are relative to this root directory. You cannot make mpd play a file from just anywhere, it seems. This is important to know when you script MPDClient using python-mpd2, because when you try to add any absolute path, even those pointing into the managed directory, you’ll be in trouble.

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Emacs for Remote SSH Python Development

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I am using Emacs for over a year now to manage my tasks. I like how I can mix tasks with long form notes in a single outline. It’s good. We had to play with vi and emacs for a while at University. I’m very happy I got used to the very basics of both editors because I ended up using vi a lot when SSH-ing into remote machines, and now Emacs for everything else.

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