Native macOS Notifications for Emacs Org Tasks and Appointments

Emacs is a text editor, kind of. But I use its Org mode for “keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system” – its Agenda became my daily productivity hub. It’s a calendar view of all things scheduled for the day, plus some other info interspersed: thanks to the plain text nature of the whole interface, it’s simple (albeit not easy) to re-style everything you see there. Add sub-headings, spacing, links, text, what have you.

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Publish and Subscribe — Decoupling Deep View Hierarchies from Event Handlers

Imagine a complex view with many sub components. This is more common in Mac apps where a window contains multiple panes, lists, graphs, whatever. How do you react to interactions 5 levels deep? Let’s say you avoid massive view controllers which do everything on their own and want to encapsulate event handling outside the view hierarchy – what should you do?

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