macOS Storyboard Outlet-Like Connections Between View Controllers

Transitioning from Nibs to Storyboards poses a few challenges. One of them being creating outlets from a parent view controller to a child view controller. There is no such thing. You could say this is the new idiomatic way to create interfaces, but I don’t quite agree with the consequences. How do you pass data to a view controller 4 levels deep in the hierarchy? It’s not obvious. And there are no “embed” segues like you have them on iOS to obtain references.

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How to Change the Detail of a UISplitViewController in the Background

A UISplitViewController has a master and a detail view controller. When the selected item is deleted and the detail is visible, you can perform a segue. If the detail is not visible, performing a segue to change the detail will present it. I didn’t want that. There are two cases where you will want to change the detail although it’s not visible:

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Dismissing a Modally Presented Scene on Both iPad and iPhones Using Unwind Segues

UISplitViewController is the way to go when you want to make your iOS app universal without much hassle and can model the scenes in terms of master/detail. While getting Calendar Paste ready for the upcoming iOS 9 release, I discovered that using UISplitViewController across devices is one thing, while Storyboard segues are another.

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