Christopher Alexander et al: A Pattern Language. Towns, Buildings, Construction (1977)

- Buy the book on Amazon (affiliate link)
- Inspired the Gang of Four’s famous book, “Design Patterns”.
- The format is similar enough: each pattern is formatted the same way, with a short introduction, a long explanation, a sketch/illustration/diagram, and further references. (Among other pieces.)
- Unlike the GoF book, this is a much more tightly knit hypertext with lots of building-blocks and higher level structures that tie in foundational patterns into larger structures.
Full reference I use in my notes:
[#alexander1977patt]: Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa,
Marry Silverstein, Max Jacobson, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King,
and Shlomo Angel (1977): _A Pattern Language. Towns, Buildings,
Construction_, New York: Oxford University Press.