What I Am Doing Now

We’re preparing for the launch of Baby Child No. 1 in September. That’s not very far away anymore!

Meanwhile, I’m trying to get as much stuff out as possible:

  • Zettelkasten for Programmers Workshop. Reach out if you’re interested.

  • Plugin Editor for The Archive: Plugins do run already. But where do you get them from? How do you create your own? I’m working on an editor that works inside the app.

  • Reading: One year in, I’m very enamoured with the Boox e-reader devices. I now have a small one at the bed to just read something. A larger one is amazing as a sketchpad and to work on scientific articles and PDFs!

  • Drawing: The Bielefeld Urban Sketchers chapter now have a monthly meeting at a fixed place, and we meet about 3 times per month at the moment to draw and paint together. At the moment, I’m sharing pictures on Mastodon, there’s no public gallery, yet.