New Article Overview

I just added a manual, curated overview of articles on this website. There, I have collected (mostly) Zettelkasten-related posts and grouped them under headings which, at this time, make sense to me. This is subject to changes when the archive grows, of course.

At the moment, the big categories are these:

  • Knowledge Management: general information about what it means to work and learn efficiently.
  • Writing: posts on the production of lasting knowledge, and about sharing it with others through your own texts.
  • Reading: posts about the process of acquisition of new things and the organization of sources.

I will add longer pieces to the list. Most items here aren’t blog posts but articles sporting 2000 words or more. I will leave out smaller posts like this one and the occasional software announcement. Only the ‘featured’ posts will be added to the list, you could say.

With this change in place, I feel free to blog more often. I didn’t want to water down the timeline of higher quality content with short posts. The curated overview will help you find the gems on this site, and it helps me preserve them. I hope you like it.