Word Counter (Mac) is Available Right Now!
Today, I’m happy to announce Word Counter for Mac is available for sale online.
I strongly believe that words written per day equal a writer’s productivity, so I wanted to have an accurate metric which enables me to find out whether I achieved my goals:
Enter the Word Counter.

To celebrate the release and to make up for the features still in development, you can grab a copy for a 50% early bird discount for a limited time.
Behind the scenes, the app already keeps track of your progress on a per-hour basis. This way, you’ll be able to find out when you’re most productive. More on that and how it helps you become a productive writer in the upcoming weeks, when the feature is released.
Here’s the small print: Although the app keeps track of your progress, you don’t see many of the details and data at the moment. I currently work on a nice interface to display this data and plan to release it soon. Early adopters will track their data starting now and can use the analysis feature when it’s released. Meanwhile, your valuable feedback will help drive development to make the app really good. The tracking itself already works nicely and you can benefit from seeing where you write the most on a day-to-day basis right now. So there’s no risk, and you win by paying less.
The app has it’s own dedicated website where you can see what’s the next milestone in development. Up next: viewing detailed daily statistics.