Making Cocoa the Outermost Layer
Chris Eidhof of put some experimental code on GitHub where quite a few Cocoa view components are contained by classes he owns himself.
The AppDelegate is super instructive:
class MyAppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
let window = NSWindow()
var didFinishLaunching: NSWindow -> () = { _ in () }
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
Your Cocoa app needs an NSApplicationDelegate
. But it doesn’t have to do anything except route events to the proper collaborators. Still it’s the first object we usually put logic in only to (hopefully) refactor it out later.
Think about the plethora of NSApplicationDelegate
methods out there. Sprinkle in some URL Scheme responder actions. What if the method bodies were mere one-liners? Then your AppDelegate becomes very easy to test and maintain. The flow of information and especially commands is clear: away from the delegate to specialized event handlers.
Now Chris seems to favor free-floating functions for factories. That makes sense. But I wouldn’t put event handlers into these. He doesn’t either; that’s what ButtonDelegate
is good for:
class ButtonDelegate: NSObject {
var callback: () -> ()
init(_ callback: () -> ()) {
self.callback = callback
@objc func buttonClicked() {
The final weird, and interesting part, is the actual setup of the app:
app("My app") { theApp in
let text = Array(count: 3, repeatedValue: "Hello, world").joinWithSeparator("\n")
let tv = textView(text, editable: true)
let theButton = button("Hello") { tv.text += "\nHello!"}
let buttons = stack([theButton, button("Exit", onClick: theApp.exit)], orientation: .Horizontal)
return stack([label("Add some text"), tv, buttons])
This code results in this app:

Not bad for 5 lines of actual implementation code.