Swift 2.3 NSLocale UIKit API Changes Break iOS 8 Compatibility
We’re converting a rather big and clumsy project to Swift 2.3 at the moment. Strangely, NSLocale
gives us a lot of headaches. The API hasn’t changed visibly, but the implementation seems to have.
From Objective-C’s point of view:
@property (readonly, copy) NSString *currencySymbol
API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.12), ios(10.0), watchos(3.0), tvos(10.0));
And from Swift’s:
extension NSLocale {
// ...
@available(iOS 10.0, *)
public var currencySymbol: String { get }
// ...
That property certainly isn’t new. Neither are the dozen others in that header file from Foundation.
iOS 10 Foundation API diffs reveal:
Added NSLocale.currencyCode
Added NSLocale.currencySymbol
Huh? But they were there all the time! The app used these properties since iOS 8. It is clear something is wrong here. The compiler forces us to now access these properties with availability checks for iOS 10 and newer. The else
clauses (for <10.0) don’t know nothing about these properties at all, though. It’s a compile-time constraint for a runtime issue (kind of).
Shadow protocols don’t work:
protocol Swift22LocaleFallback {
var currencySymbol: String { get }
var currencyCode: String? { get }
var localeIdentifier: String { get }
extension NSLocale: Swift22LocaleFallback { }
The result is another compiler error, this time in Foundation.NSLocale, “Protocol ‘Swift22LocaleFallback’ requires ‘currencySymbol’ to be available on iOS 8.0.0 and newer”. No chance.
You know what does work? performSelector
if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
formatter.currencySymbol = locale.currencySymbol
} else {
let result = locale.performSelector(Selector("currencySymbol"))
formatter.currencySymbol = result.takeRetainedValue() as! String
This is a strong indicator for me to upgrade other projects to Swift 3 instead of 2.3. #radarorgtfo