DevCleaner for Xcode

Found DevCleaner for Xcode yesterday and gave it a spin. It’s freeware on the Mac App Store with a tip jar.

Developers who ever nuked their Derived Data folder (I have an alias in my .profile for that) know how much stuff Xcode collects over the years. And then there’s outdated iOS Simulator versions nobody needs anymore. And log files, of course, by Xcode.

I’m pleased to say that DevCleaner does a good job at enabling me to select what I want to remove from the set of things that could be obsolete.

I have Xcode 14 beta installed (to my dismay), so DevCleaner suggested all Xcode 13.x related things could go away. It tries to be smart and helpful here, but I kept the Xcode 13.4.1 logs just in case. The option is there.

Where in the past I would occasionally nuke all Derived Data, DevCleaner shows these folders in a sensible way, with a reference to the project location. I usually create throwaway projects to test and debug something in my Downloads folder. The derived data of these projects is absolutely useless after a month, week, or sometimes even a day. Since DevCleaner shows where the original project was located, I’ve been able to delete data for every long-gone project that was in my Downloads folder.

I cannot stress enough how cool I find this.

Deleting derived data folders is often hard to do by name alone: when I download a new version of a 3rd part dependency that I am using in my apps, and open the project in my Downloads folder, and play around with it, then I have two derived data folders for this dependency, but only one is relevant for the actual project. Either I don’t care and delete both when I know building them is trivial, or I don’t bother at all and they stay around forever.

I really, really like this feature.

Would be even better if I could sort or filter by origin path, but it’s ok the way it is.