hosts a text on “Framework Oriented Programming” (FOP). That title already looks similar to “Object-Oriented Programming”. But it’s not a replacement, mind you; it surely means the same for our cause as Cocoa UIKit/AppKit developers. The shift in perspective from object to framework works very well to illustrate the problem of designing large code bases.
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Literals represent something. Magic numbers are a form of literal. This insight goes at least as far back as the book Structured Design by Edward Yourdon and Larry L. Constantine (from 1979!), on page 94. The number 79
can truly represent the result of 80-1
, which in turn can express two other concepts:
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According to Ed Yourdon, in the 1970’s global state was actually widely preferred over passing parameters to functions or subroutines. I had to laugh when I read the paragraphs on the most common objections, but this seems to have been a serious issue. The objections listed are:
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