"Make Money Outside the Mac App Store" Second Edition Ebook Available

The large update and rewrite of “Make Money Outside the Mac App Store” is finished. I have published an update of the book to Leanpub edition and the one you can get directly from my website. The print edition is still work-in-progress, but I should have something available later this month.
If you have purchased the ebook edition in the past, this is a free update.
If not, buy the book at a $10 discount until the end of the month!
Version 2 of the book sports a lot more detailled explanations, noe featuring the new FastSpring Contextual Commerce storefront. I also updated the whole code base to Swift 5.1, so you can check out the sample code in Xcode and experiment with the setup.
In case you never noticed this project of mine: this book targets macOS developers who want to save days of work setting up their app for copy protection with purchase-able licenses outside the Mac App Store. I use the process outlined in this book for all of my own apps, plus a couple of clients that I helped sell their stuff.
I know this update took a while, but I can provide “fixes” where needed. So please reach out and feel free to give feedback and ask questions that’ll make it into the next minor version update.
See also:
- Buy the book directly for $10 off!
- Read the book’s detail page
- Purchase the book on Leanpub
- Read “Comparison of e-commerce platforms, including FastSpring” if you want to know more about your options
Changes in the 2nd edition:
- Updated FastSpring setup instructions for the new Contextual Commerce backend with many more instructional pictures
- Code updated to Swift 5
- New instructions for bundle setup
- New instructions for writing your own simple licensing server script
- All instructional chapters have been rewritten for more clarity
- Expanded every detail with samples and explanation: how to deal with public/private key loss, how to set up bundle sales, how to customize various optional FastSpring settings, how to structure your business model, how to weigh Mac App Store pros and cons, and much more!