Xcode Requires A Lot of Data for Swift Package Resolution

This picture shows one of the weird annoyances with Xcode and Swift packages.
One package resolution step swallowed 45MB of my data.
You’ve likely heard it elsewhere: when iOS developers need to work with Swift packages and Xcode but have a shoddy internet connection, tough luck! Xcode will fail to build because it’s “Resolving Packages” step inevitably fails.
Today, our internet was out for the first half of the day, so I had to tether to my iPad to actually get Xcode to work at all. Rebasing was the death blow to the package cache; but even after this initial package fetching, I managed to amass a throughput of almost 200MB in maybe 3 hours of development work.
I would like to think that a SwiftPM-managed project, where you could check in the .swiftpm/
directory if you need, would perform better in that regard.
Does Xcode not grab a shallow clone, maybe?
The packages in this project:
- 9 packages of my own making with almost no commit history worth mentioning
I could see how fetching the whole of Sparkle can amount to more data than the others.