Have You Ever Sent an Email with a File Attachment that is Located on a Server?

Today was a day of convergence. Our home server/NAS had a lot of SATA-related kernel errors and drive failures in the past weeks that I couldn’t track down. I replaced the drive and the cables and things have quieted down. This means I was SSH’ing into the server quite a bit this month. Mild data loss ans corrupted file systems included.

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Transformative Reading … 2017 Edition?!

So I found this list of books I read and which I wanted to put on this blog in my inbox. It’s from a migration from OmniFocus to Emacs/org-mode from 2019, and the title is “Transformative Reading 2017”. What were the picks back then? And being 7 (!) years wiser, what do I think about the picks now? Here’s the list. I don’t know why I originally ordered them this way, but I left it as-is.

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ChatGPT Shell: Confirm Before Closing and Split Compose Buffer

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I admit: I’ve been relying heavily on ChatGPT to get to grips with some PHP things. Asking for interpretation, alternatives, and PHP 8-specific stuff was a lot of help. I’ve been using this in a separate floating window (aka ‘frame’) in Emacs next to my editing context, and that was great. Until I accidentally closed the buffer and lost the history.

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Timestamps with Weekdays

I’ve recently created a note in my Zettelkasten with a structure I haven’t used before: a timeline. It’s basically an enumerated list with 40 items and a divider that marks “now”. Things above the divide are in the past; things below the divide are in the future. I’m collecting rough things to keep in mind below the divide (like a GTD tickler file would). Above the divide, the granularity increases as I track individual things that happened.

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