The Rake and Its Prongs

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When you type in a text editor, you always type out of some range. When your insertion point or cursor is blinking at the end of a word you just typed, you expect to still be “in touch” with the word, and that the next key you press will for example add a character to that word. This is a useful deception for us human users. It’s not actually part of the technological underpinnings.

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Declarative Text Kit: Word Ranges

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I figured out a way to consistently change a NSRange, e.g. of a selection of text or the insertion point in a text view, to select surrounding words in DeclarativeTextKit. But first off: Dear heavens! This wasn’t easy. I’m still not happy with the solution. While there are three to four hundred test cases (the vast majority is generated) that helped me narrow things down, I can tell you up front that I’m not proud of the resulting 160 lines of code.

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Declarative Text Kit: Inserting Strings and Lines With a Result Builder

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There’s been progress on the Declarative Text Kit API idea, and today I want to share an insight into building a DSL with Swift Result Builders. A detail that I didn’t grok until I built it. {{TOC}} Inserting text into a string, text view, or other kind of text buffer is simple enough: you need a location and then use the appropriate API to put a string into the target there.

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