Slides for the "More Money, More Control" Webinar on Selling Outside the Mac App Store

Today I noticed that I never followed up on my FastSpring webinar of 2017 called “Beyond the Mac App Store - A Practical Guide to Go From Code to Cash” with the slides! Sorry, folks!

I’ll also upload the checklist we served attendees.

You can find the slides on, because I have an account there and don’t know what else to do with PDFs:

Recording of Wednesday's Webinar

Sadly, the recording doesn’t contain the webcam stream. When I don’t see the face of the speaker, especially if he or she isn’t native English, then it can be quite a pain to follow at times. Sadly, this recording does not include my webcam stream, so finger’s crossed you understand what I say here!

I promised not to distribute any follow-up material until next week so that webinar attendees have early access.

You can get a 20% discount on “Make Money Outside the Mac App Store” by using the coupon code MORECONTROL, good until March 31st!

Update 2020-01-01: Fixed the link to the FastSpring recording page, again!

Update 2019-06-28: I uploaded the slides and you can find them on Slideshare: I also fixed the broken link to the webinar.