Xcode Requires A Lot of Data for Swift Package Resolution

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This picture shows one of the weird annoyances with Xcode and Swift packages. One package resolution step swallowed 45MB of my data. You’ve likely heard it elsewhere: when iOS developers need to work with Swift packages and Xcode but have a shoddy internet connection, tough luck! Xcode will fail to build because it’s “Resolving Packages” step inevitably fails.

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The Difference between Entity and Value Object, and How They Relate to Swift’s Identifiable and Equatable Protocols

Helge Heß recently posted on Mastodon that he “still find[s] it disturbing how many #SwiftLang devs implement Equatable as something that breaks the Equatable contract, just to please some API requiring it. Feels like they usually should implement Identifiable and build on top of that instead.”

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woolsweater’s SF Symbols Modeline

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After discovering how to use SF Symbols in Emacs on Mac, folks on Reddit shared links where Josh Caswell (known by his handle “woolsweater”) did stuff like this ages ago.

This is how the SF Symbol glyphs render if you can actually see them. I.e, outside the browser’s code preview.

Check out his DOOM Emacs compatible, doom-modeline based SF Symbols iconification in sfsymbols-modeline.el.